On finding your flow.

We are approaching the end of April… I still can’t believe how time is flying. The demands of life are still very much present, constantly shifting and changing.

As I continue to consciously practice mindfulness, I wanted to share this quote from Jon Kabat-Zinn that resonated with me...

"You can't stop the waves, but you can learn to surf."

I have never tried surfing myself, but have spent enough time near and in large bodies of water to know that controlling a wave is not really a thing... similar to trying to control the ebbs and flows of life…

Whether you are currently treading water, feel like you got knocked off your board, are gasping for air, or on top of that wave ... know that it’s all temporary and will eventually shift and I hope you find your flow in it all.

In love, light + with gratitude,


On present moment awareness through the senses.


On uncertainty.