On prioritizing JOY.

How are you finding JOY in the day to day?

This time of year in Chicago tends to get a little long... the days blend together with a whole lot of gray and cold. Despite utilizing all my yoga and self care tools, I was still finding a bit of lack of inspiration and spark in my day to day. The morning pep talks were getting real.

Then this popped on my daily meditation app...
"When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves" - Viktor Frankl.

So it has to be a mindset shift on my part. I have no control over the seasons and weather, I'm not moving out of Chicago anytime soon … So how can I hold myself accountable in bringing more inspiration into my own life?

PRIORITIZE JOY. All those other less than ideal things can still be true, but I made a conscious decision to bring joy to the forefront. Some of my self-inquiry involved …

Journaling on Joy:

  1. List 3 things that bring you joy. 

  2. List the people in my life that bring joy.

  3. Where can you integrate those above things into your life on a regular basis?

Once I got clearer on what joy meant to me and how it shows up in my life, every week, when organizing my schedule, the first thing that I plugged in was space for JOY. Then I filled in the work, the obligations, etc. but the joy came first. It was non-negotiable.

I also placed a photo of a joyful moment in my life on my desk. So even as I sit here and write, I glance at that image and it makes me smile.

If you have any other suggestions on your own process and how you stay inspired and find joy, please share. Wishing you space to prioritize joy.

In love, light + with gratitude,



On exploring S P A C E


On exploring REST.