On the final days of 2020
Reflecting on this past year …
As I sit here at my computer, knowing that there are just a few days left to 2020, it is challenging to articulate what this past year has offered. I think the phrase that I repeated the most on a regular basis was, “What the f*ck?”. There were a lot of heavy sighs as well. It’s been a little bit of everything. All of the emotions. A roller coaster ride filled with moments of laughter to moments where your stomach ends up in your throat. Sometimes experiencing all of those emotions in the span of five minutes. 2020 has definitely left an impression, and one that I will most likely never forget.
To be clear, I consider myself very fortunate. In the grand scheme of things, I feel that I have made it through all that this year has had to offer, relatively unscathed. For this I am grateful and will continue to be grateful. But several things can be true all at once. And I feel that I am not alone when I say that this year was A LOT.
There was a lot of uncertainty. A lot of fear. A lot of pivoting. A lot of adapting. A lot of forced change. Along with all of that came a lot of transformation. A lot of growth. A lot of learning. There was so much to process all of the time. It has proven to be quite exhausting, but I know that I will be better for it.
In my heart, there is a resounding “GOOD RIDDANCE” to 2020. I am not naive into thinking that all the challenges of this past year are over. There is still so much work ahead. But I am so hopeful… hopeful because of the resiliency and the grit that I see all around me on a regular basis. I also feel this shift that is bringing me closer to truth and love.
Happy New Year!
In love, light + with gratitude,